A healthy mouth is more than just a pretty smile. Keep your child out of the emergency room with low to no cost dental services!

Call today to get connected to a provider near you.

Smiles Connection OC is a free referral system created to connect parents and guardians with children and young adults between the ages of 0-20 with local dental providers that accept Medi-Cal/Denti-Cal. Tooth decay has been identified as a top health crisis in Orange County and Smiles Connection OC is here to make a change!

Our Care Coordinators are available Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm.

Contact us today to find a dentist near you! (855) 54-SMILE or (855) 547-6453


After Business Hours?

Provide us with your First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number. We will give you a call the following business day to help you schedule an appointment.

Smile Connection Kids
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